If you are looking to lift heavier without worrying about your grip, the 1RM lifting straps are the simple, dependable solution. These padded lifting straps will help you to move heavier weight, set new PR’s on your pulls, hang pulls, high pulls and other back and trap work.
Product Specifications:
- Sold as a pair
- 590mm x 38mm
- Soft wrist padding
- Single closed loop design
- Reinforced edge to prevent fraying
- Available in Khaki & Red
How to use:
- Thread the end of the strap through the loop so it is sticking out the other end
- Slide your hand through the strap making sure the loop is on the inside of your wrist (if on your left hand the loop will be pointing to the left and vice versa)
- Tighten the straps so they are tight around your wrist
- Wrap the excess material around the bar you're lifting or pulling yourself from making sure when gripping the bar, the end is squashed between your hand and the bar
- And lastly lift heavy!