Use the treadmill as a part of your fat loss strategy to see real (and quick) results.
If you have always dreamed of having 6-pack abs and a chiseled body, this is your lucky day. In this article, we are going to separate myths and facts when it comes to fat loss. There are several advertisements that promote the latest miracle cure for fat loss or even expensive fat loss equipment. The truth is, you will be able to lose your body fat by implementing a calorie deficit exercise and diet regime consistently over a period of time.
You don’t need to buy expensive fat loss shakes.
You don’t need to buy expensive equipment from infomercials that promote false promises.
This is the real deal.
You must maintain a calorie deficit if you want to lose body fat.
The more cardiovascular activity that you do, the more body fat you will burn. The fat that is on your body is an energy reserve. You need to force your body to consume the energy deposits in your body (fat) so that you will lose your overall body fat. If you want to burn 1kg of body fat, you will need to burn 7700 calories. If you know how much you weigh and can estimate your body fat’s percentage, then you will be able to formulate a plan that will allow you to successfully achieve your fat loss goals. For example, let’s say that you weigh 100kg. You do a caliper test and you find out that you have 20% body fat. Ideally, you want to have a body fat percentage of 10%. The total body fat that you have weighs 20kg. By losing 10kg of fat, you should see a drastic change in your appearance. Given that 7700 calories are equal to 1kg of fat, you will need to burn 77,000 calories in order to reach your calorie deficit goal.
We can then break this down into a weekly goal.
With a 12 week program (3 months), you can achieve this by burning 6,416 calories a week. The weekly breakdown could be done in the following ways.
- 6 cardio sessions burning 1069 calories.
- 5 cardio sessions burning 1283.2 calories.
With a 24 week program (6 months), you can achieve this by burning 3,208 calories a week. The weekly breakdown could be done in the following ways.
- 3 cardio sessions burning 1,069 calories.
- 4 cardio sessions burning 802 calories.
- 5 cardio sessions burning 642 calories.
How can you implement this?
High-intensity cardio will allow you to reach your calorie target. On average, a session will take you 45-90 minutes to complete.
Improve your stamina.
The first thing that you need to do is improve your body’s stamina so that your body will be used to doing this type of training. You should jump onto a treadmill and start running at a slow, but steady pace that will allow you to reach the time limit. Ideally, you want to continue the exercise for 15-30 minutes beyond the target time limit so that your body will get used to performing a strenuous amount of exercise for a long period of time.
Do some quick interval sessions.
You want to keep your heart rate in the 90% burning zone by running at 100% for as long as you can (for example, for 5 minutes) and then having 60 seconds to rest. By repeating this 10 times (which will be a 50 minute session), you should be able to burn 900-1000 calories.
Run at a quick pace.
If you can cover 1 km in less than 5 minutes, you will be able to burn around 90 calories per kilometre. By running at this pace for 1h, you will be able to burn 1000 calories.
Run on an incline.
This is one of the best ways to increase the intensity of your running and burn more calories quickly. Aim to run at an incline that is more than 10 degrees. Running is the quickest way for you to burn your body’s fat. Although you can do outdoor running, you will be able to track your progress and have more versatility with a treadmill machine. Take a look at the range of treadmill machines available from Little Bloke Fitness.